
Once upon a time, there was a program called BCML, that is, Breath of the Wild Cross-Platform Mod Loader. It existed because Breath of the Wild is very rather structurally hard to mod. The resource packing system, the resource size table, and similar features of the game make mods very collision-prone. Crashes, bugs, and other similar maladies appear frequently when multiple mods are naively combined. BCML was born in this darkness to heal broken RSTB files, colliding TitleBG packs, and similar woes.

Alas, BCML was ill-fated from the start. The idiosyncracies of Python, the improvised and ad hoc nature of the solutions, and the growing complexity of an expanding feature set wed to backward compatibility all conspired to ensure it would one day grind to a halt.

Enter UKMM, U-King Mod Manager, a complete, ground-up replacement for everything BCML did and more, written in pure Rust and compiled to a single binary. UKMM incorporates all of the lessons, skills, and general experience accumulated through the whole history of BOTW modding since BCML first began in a smooth, reliable, and robust mod management solution which solves nearly everything that made people (ever so often even justifiably) rage and screech about BCML.1

Dawn of a New Day


Except, of course, the requirement to have a complete game dump. There will never be a way around that, guys.